Slice of Life: Mind Over Matter 3/12

I am participating again this year in the Slice of Life challenge in which we write a slice every day in March.  If you are interested in joining in, visit the Two Writing Teachers blog for more information.

It is day 19 of a weird sickness that is affecting my stomach and digestive system and wiping me out. I have come home immediately from school every day this week and promptly fallen asleep on my couch for an after school nap. This is not usual behavior for me. I was absent the whole week last week and now I really don’t know what is wrong with me. I decided tonight that enough is enough. It is time to bring out the brain’s superpowers and suck it up and start feeling better.

I went with my husband tonight to our favorite Mexican restaurant. I am pretty sure I will pay for that decision later tonight, but I am glad I decided to do so. I need to be healthy now. I am going to decide to be healthy. No more letting things get me down.

Positive thinking is going to make me better. Mind over matter. I will feel better soon. I must.

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

4 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Mind Over Matter 3/12”

  1. I am a 4th grade teacher, too. There never is a good time to be sick but being sick as a teacher is so hard…sub plans, lost days of teaching as we are always moving towards the next high-stakes testing, plus the kids that just don't do well when their teacher is not there. Feel better soon! D 🙂

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