Slice of Life: Fairy Tales 3/11

I am participating again this year in the Slice of Life challenge in which we write a slice every day in March.  If you are interested in joining in, visit the Two Writing Teachers blog for more information.

I don’t really know what to write about. I can definitely relate to my students who sometimes cannot come up with an idea during writing time. So, you will get the mostly boring ideas that are tumbling around in my head right now. Forgive my lack of creativity.

Fairy tales are not my favorite genre. However, I love teaching them and working with students on fractured tales. Today, I started a fairy tale unit that will mostly focus on Cinderella. I want to look at versions of the Cinderella story from around the world and have my students do some analyzing. I would love to take the students on a field trip to see Disney’s new version of Cinderella, but I am not sure I will be able to work that out.

We started today with our new read aloud chapter book that I will also incorporate into the fairly tale unit. I am so excited to read Rump with my students. I hope they will love it. The best sound in the world is the giggles from a group of students when they are entertained by a funny moment in a good book.

I am also excited to see what kind of creative ideas my students will come up with for fractured fairly tales.

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

3 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Fairy Tales 3/11”

  1. One of the great features of the challenge is to remember we have trouble writing too. We can relate with our students and share how we made it thru. It is the art of writing practice that makes us great writers. Glad you thought on paper.

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