Slice of Life: Air fryers (Yes, plural)

As of today, we are now a two air-fryer household and I may be slightly insane and am definitely obsessed.

We have owned an air-fryer for a few years now. At first, I thought maybe it was just another trendy kitchen appliance fad (ahem, George Foreman grill).

Then, one night we went over to our friends’ house and they served us a chicken made in their air fryer. It was so juicy and perfect. It impressed us. So, we bought one of our own.

The air-fryer very quickly became our kitchen appliance of choice. We have made so many things in this thing: “fried” eggs, hard boiled eggs, apple fritters, grilled sandwiches, chicken, salmon, shrimp, steak, roasted veggies, potatoes, and all kinds of frozen foods. Chicken tenders are crispy and taste like I just got them out of the fry basket. Frozen vegetables cooked from frozen come out charred and incredible.

Various times over the years, when I wanted to make two separate things in the air-fryer, they had different cook times and temperatures. This is remedied by doing batches in the air-fryer, but it takes longer.

A couple weeks ago, I figured out that a toaster oven/air-fryer would be amazing. I waffled back and forth about it. Did I really NEED another air-fryer? According to a post and lively discussion in the Cosori group on Facebook, that answer is YES. I am not sure I need it, but it sure is pretty on my counter and will, no doubt, be put to very good use.

This post is a part of the 14th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. After a few years away, I am challenging myself to write every day in March this year, along with an amazing community of other bloggers. You can find our writing linked up on the Two Writing Teachers blog.

Author: Andrea

I am an instructional technology coach in a middle school in Milwaukee, WI. I have been teaching for over 20 years in many grade levels ranging from first through eighth grade. I am a lifelong book nerd.

3 thoughts on “Slice of Life: Air fryers (Yes, plural)”

  1. We love our air fryer too and it took us a long while to try it. We cook everything in there now! I have yet to make a grilled cheese – I hear it is amazing!
    Thank you for sharing

  2. I am a little afraid to mention this to my wife, as we are currently way into our first one. Two! Sounds like a busy countertop indeed! Thanks for the fun post.

  3. At first, I was hesitant about getting an air fryer. For Christmas, my mom got one for me and told me that it would change my life! It is now the most used kitchen appliance in my house!

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