Celebrate 3/21

It’s Saturday morning and that means it is time to reflect on the week and celebrate things both big and small. Join our community and celebrate this week by linking up or just stopping by the host Ruth Ayres’ blog to read others’ celebrations.

I haven’t done a Celebrate post in a while, but I do take time to reflect on my celebrations each week. I am so thankful for this community because it really makes a difference when I focus on the positive and celebrate little successes as well as big ones.

This list includes things from the last two weeks. I am experimenting with Canva today as well. I have had an account there for a long time but haven’t really tried using it for designs yet.

If you want to find out more about the picture book In Mary’s Garden, please visit yesterday’s Slice of Life post here

Last, but not least, I want to celebrate the fun of using a new digital tool. I think I will continue to experiment with Canva in many future blog posts.

What are you celebrating this week? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Celebrate 2/21

It’s Saturday morning and that means it is time to reflect on the week and celebrate things both big and small. Join our community and celebrate this week by linking up or just stopping by the host Ruth Ayres’ blog to read others’ celebrations.

This week I have a lot of small celebrations to share.

  • Monday was a day off for us for President’s Day. I enjoyed having the extra day off because that meant that I could actually have a weekend without having to worry about working on Saturday and Sunday to be ready for my week. 
  • I changed up how I am doing my math lessons so that I work with half the class (or fewer) at a time. My students are just so chatty that we can’t get through what needs to be done when I have all of them in the gathering space. I am lucky enough to have a Chromebook cart at my disposal so they get a good mix of teacher-led instruction and practice on the computer using Khan Academy or Compass learning Odyssey. I feel like so many more students learned so much more this week. 
  • We started a new routine of making a weekly goal for reading, math, and behavior.  I remembered to have them make the goal and I remembered to have them rate themselves on how they did toward achieving their goal. 
  • On Thursday, it was frigid outside. We should have had a Cold Day off from school. With temperatures on the thermometer of -11 and wind chills of -29, our school district got a lot of complaints for not calling it. About half of my class made it to school that day. It was a nice relaxing day for all of us. We did a lot of learning, but were able to have some fun as well. 
  • Friday, everyone was in class and everyone had a lot to say to one another. I ended up sending a few kids out for time-outs in other classrooms in the afternoon. One student, who I thought really did not care for my class, wrote me the sweetest apology note. It really made me step back and reframe some of what I have been letting myself think lately. These opportunities to adjust your perspective do not always come up and I am thankful for this one. 
  • The staff book club is up and running. We have our first title selected and will meet at the end of March to discuss it. I am so glad I put the idea out there. 
  • Last, but certainly not least, the middle school dance last Friday went well and the kids had fun. My student council did their part to make the night fun for everyone as well as a great fundraiser for us. 
What do you have to celebrate?  I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Celebrate This Week! 2/6

It’s Saturday morning and that means it is time to reflect on the week and celebrate things both big and small. Join our community and celebrate this week by linking up or just stopping by to read others’ celebrations.

I am not always consistent with writing these blog posts, but I am so grateful for this community because I do always think of reasons to celebrate. Having the habit of writing this type of blog post has transformed my thinking and I am able to be more mindful and step back to appreciate it when things worth celebrating pop up. Last week, I did not blog about it because I was at a conference, but I did make a nice list of celebrations in my planner. I will share a couple of those celebrations here along with this week’s list.

First and foremost, I celebrate the fact that I feel healthy and have been feeling healthy for the last couple days. It has been a while since the last time I could say that. Now, fingers crossed that I will be able to stay away from all the nasty bugs that are still circulating out there.

Second, I celebrate my wonderful husband who has been doing extra shares of all the work around the house as I have been feeling sick. This was especially apparent on Sunday when he had to go out to shovel 12″ of snow by himself since I was coughing up a lung. He does this extra work with only an occasional complaint. I am so lucky!

Last Friday, I was given a free Chocolate Croissant at Starbucks for National Croissant Day. Who doesn’t love free pastry???

A former student has been regularly volunteering at school and I have really enjoyed some conversations with him. I loved talking about his decision of which college to go to. It is awesome that he had multiple acceptances and could choose among the great universities he had applied to. We also talked about his ambitions for medical school and I was able to give him a little bit of insight because my sister is a doctor. I just really enjoyed that conversation.

My classroom is a chaotic, loud, and fun-filled space. I am frequently at the point of pulling out my hair with frustration at never getting through what I need to get through because of talkative and energy-filled kids. One of my favorite times in the week, however, is our board game time on Friday afternoons. In my classroom, this time is our community-building time. No one is excluded from this time. Every one of my students is allowed to participate and play in order to help them all be able to get along. This is one of the noisiest times of the week, but I can just stand there for a moment and observe groups of kids cackling and giggling and getting along. They play with other students they might not normally play with, they talk, they teach each other the game rules, and they have fun together.

I switched my schedule around and I am so happy I did. We are able to do so much more with our longer literacy times and math works so much better in the morning for me. One of the best things about the switch is the way I was able to work a few new routines into our day.

  • We have started to read the Wonder of the Day on Wonderopolis each day. My students have fun making predictions based on the teaser about what the next Wonder will be. I love that they are getting a solid example of informational writing every day. 
  • I also started doing Sacred Writing Time every day. I bought the slides from Corbett Harrison to make my life easier and we jumped into this routine. I am so excited about how this has started. I explained it to them the first day and started my timer and it was silent and they were writing. (My jaw hitting the floor didn’t make a sound) I couldn’t believe how easy it was to get them to just write. Every day for two weeks now it has been completely silent in my classroom for that 10 minutes of quiet writing. Every day there is an audible groan when the time is up. Every day there is a clamoring to be one of the lucky ones to share. Every. Single. Day. I am celebrating this excitement about writing. I am reenergized by their excitement. I am loving my chance to write for 10 minutes with them and to share my playful entries. 
  • We worked again on building stamina for independent reading. Some of my students had fallen out of good habits and into bad habits. This week we got back on track. 
The excitement for the book box to arrive this week was amazing! I am so happy that my students have that book love that makes us ecstatic at the sight of new books. 
I sent out an e-mail to see if I could drum up interest in a Staff book club this week. I was really amazed at the amount of interest from my colleagues. We really need to build up the reading culture at my school and I am so excited to take this step to helping that happen. 
Last, but not least, I celebrate co-pay assistance. My district decided this year to switch our prescription drug coverage to a new provider. In the past, this would barely have been a blip on my horizon because it really didn’t change the price for the medications we get at Target pharmacy. However, my specialty MS medicine went from a $50 a month co-pay to over $500 a month because of the change. Luckily, the pharmaceutical company that makes the medicine has an assistance program to help people afford it. With co-pay assistance, I only have a minimal payment to make. I am thankful for this program so that I can continue to take this medicine that seems to be working well for me. 
What do you have to celebrate this week? I would love to hear from you in the comments! Have a wonderful week. 

Celebration 1/24

Join in the celebration at www.ruthayreswrites.com or share on Twitter #celebratelu

  • I am cautiously optimistic about the change in leadership at my school. We all were nervous about this really messed-up situation. A higher-level administrator in Central Services was demoted and placed at our school. This bumped out the Assistant Principal who was acting as Principal for our school. We were all upset about this change because we really loved what the Assistant Principal was doing. She was moving us in a great direction. At first, they were going to take this person away from us and bring in the other person. Then, they changed their minds, due in part to pressure from parents, and left her at our building along with the new person. Now, we have two really strong administrators. It seems to be going well. The few things I was worried about don’t seem to be happening. Our school is transitioning well and I think we will continue to move in the positive direction that we were moving in. 
  • The last two weeks, my niece had her first dance lessons. My sister has been sending me videos and pictures of the class. It has been lighting up my day to see the joy that is in the room with all those toddlers learning to dance. Plus, the tutus!!!

  • The ridiculously miserable cold that has been hanging around me all week seems to be getting better and going away. I don’t have as much congestion this morning. Maybe I will actually be able to get something done today!
  • Friday was record day for us at school. I was able to clean and organize my classroom. I also put together the cart I bought from IKEA. I bought it so that I would have a place for my document camera. It fits perfectly. It is going to be so much better for me. I know I will be using the camera more frequently now. 
  • I talked to the new principal and got permission to rework my class schedule. I had been following a master schedule that was given to us by the principal with whom we started the year. I am super excited about flipping my schedule around because it will give me more time for literacy. I have been trying to fit everything into a too-packed morning and falling short. 
  • My husband and I have been watching Friends on Netflix. It is so fun to watch the show. I can’t believe that it already was 20 years ago that these episodes were airing for the first time. 
  • My package from Erin Condren arrived on Wednesday. I bought a package they put together for New Years. I can’t wait to start using my new colorful budget planner and health journal. I also bought some pretty address labels. I know it will make my day to use those labels. Yay for pretty stationary!
What do you have to celebrate this week? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Celebrate This Week 1/10

Join the celebration by linking up at www.ruthayreswrites.com or just visit and read the great celebrations!

This week was all about the temperatures outside. Our entire week was below zero and wind chill advisories. My biggest celebration this week is the extra two days off I got from the cold weather. I was happy that my district chose to close because the extremely low temperatures are so dangerous for the low-income students who don’t have appropriate outerwear.  Also, the other days this week were so low in attendance that it was pretty hard to do anything that I had planned. 
I had an awful headache and am now pretty sure I have a sinus infection. I was so glad for the days off to rest and recuperate without having to make sub plans. 
I also want to celebrate the new year and the reflection time that comes with this time of year. I had a great time writing my blog post about my favorite reads of 2014. I am looking forward to another great year. 
My 2015 resolutions:
  • Continue to lose weight using the digital tools from Weight Watchers and my Fitbit. My ultimate goal is to lose 60 pounds. 
  • Read one classic novel each month. 
  • Get organized with my budget and set financial goals that I am working towards. 
  • Continue to read voraciously without getting too obsessed with it. 
  • Take at least 10 minutes each night to reflect on my day in writing. 
  • Write at least 1000 words each week.
What do you have to celebrate? I would love to hear from you in the comments and I hope you have a fabulous week!


Since I missed last week, I am adding some of the celebrations from the week before winter break to this blog post. Some of them were too good to miss out on.

Last week, we made ornaments for the students to take home. I have a class full of students who celebrate Christmas so we had fun with holiday crafts. I appreciate these years, because when I have students who don’t celebrate, we don’t celebrate in the classroom either. I was so happy with how cute the ornaments turned out.  And their elves were so fun too.

When we got to the end of Because of Mr. Terupt, there was an explanation of what it means to “loop” in school. There was a small chorus of, “can we do that?” that made my heart sing. I love it that my students love to be in my class and want to continue to be in my class.

Christmas celebrations with family were very nice this week.

Our plans for some projects in the house are underway and looking good.

I hope you all are finding a lot of things to celebrate in this joyful season.

Have a fabulous week!

Celebrate 12/13

Join the celebration by linking up at www.ruthayreswrites.com or just visit and read the great celebrations!

My poor deserted and lonely blog. I have been super busy with the grade level switch and consequently really exhausted at times when I usually would have blogged. As we approach the holidays, things are even more hectic and I felt the need to search for some positive this week. I am so thankful for this community of bloggers that I know will be forgiving and welcome me back with open arms.

My Celebrations:

  • Scholastic Warehouse sale. Need I say more?  
  • We started an “Elf Yourself” project on Friday and I am so excited to see the cute elves that my students will make. I also showed them the ornament project that we will do next week and I was happy to see their positive reaction. I can’t wait to do that project either. This is the kind of thing I had missed about working with fourth graders. 
  • We are almost finished with Because of Mr. Terupt as our read aloud. Students are really hanging on every word at this point. I love making students excited about excellent literature. 
  • We focused on Questioning this week and read Flotsam and Tuesday by David Wiesner. My students loved this experience of reading the wordless books. So much curiosity abounds with each of these fascinating books. We really were able to see that as a reader you might have questions before, during, and after reading. 
  • We went to see a production of The Wizard of Oz at a local theater company that partners with my school. It was a fabulous rendition of this excellent story! We are now working on writing a fractured version of the tale that we will work into a show and perform in February. I brought in the Kindles this week and my students were super excited to use them to start reading the book. 
  • I introduced Storybird to my students and they have been writing like crazy. I love that website! 
  • I have a luncheon to go to on Sunday with a bunch of local bloggers/teachers/authors. The hostess searches young adult fiction for ideas for recipes and then puts together a delicious buffet of literature-inspired food. We also have a book swap and usually get a couple ARCs as well. I am so excited. It is always a great time! 
  • I lost 10 pounds in the last month using Weight Watchers digital tools. I need to lose a lot more, but I am proud of the progress so far. 
  • Last, but not least, my husband and I decided to put up a Christmas tree this year. We don’t always do so because a lot of years we are traveling to Spain to see his family. We aren’t going this year and we decided to dig out the decorations. I forgot how many cute decorations I have. It is filling my house with Joy right now and I love it.  

What do you have to celebrate? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Celebrate 10/25

Join the celebration by linking up at www.ruthayreswrites.com or just visit and read the great celebrations!

A list of celebrations this week:

1. Trick or Treat for Unicef and students who are excited to be helping a good cause.

2. My nephew is coming over tonight to go trick or treating in my neighborhood. Our Trick or Treat is always the last Saturday in October. (I think it is kind of weird this year since Halloween is on a Friday, but that is what is happening)

3. The first time my students groaned collectively when it was time to stop independent reading.

4. We’re almost at the end of The One and Only Ivan. My students are so attentive and engaged in this book.

5. My students’ excitement when I showed up at their volleyball games this morning.

6. Our school is getting some new Chromebooks and I will be sharing one of the new carts with just one other teacher. This will make it much easier to incorporate technology into our day.

What do you have to celebrate? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

Celebrate 10/18

Join the celebration by linking up at www.ruthayreswrites.com or just visit and read the great celebrations!

This week I am celebrating:

1. I actually got back in the groove and wrote 3 blog posts this week! I need to make the time for more writing, but I am happy that I was able to do the Celebrate, It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and Slice of Life posts that I did this week.

2. Our new roof is completely installed and we got a thank you tin of cookies from the contractor. The cookies are so cool! They have the company’s logo on them (and they’re delicious).

3. My mom invited me at the last minute to go see Jason Mraz in concert last night. She and my step-dad were supposed to go, but he was sick. I jumped at the chance to go with my mom to this concert. Not only did I get some time with my mommy, but the music was amazing.  The band that he is traveling with is Raining Jane and they are amazing too.

Celebrate 10/11

Join the celebration by linking up at www.ruthayreswrites.com or just visit and read the great celebrations!

During our math stations time on Wednesday, a little group of students was sneakily working on something. I pretended not to see them doing it, because I knew they were trying to surprise me. I let them work on this for about 5 minutes or so until I called them back to work. The survey started out as who loves/who “disloves” Ms. Payan and evolved into this when they realized that it might not be very nice if people “dislove”. They also put a little tally chart with a few teachers to do a survey about favorite teachers. They were completely off task but completely engaged in this endeavor. I posted it on Facebook that night and had comments from a former student and a parent of former students that basically said I was the best. Warm fuzzies all over!
We had Parent-Teacher conferences this week. I really enjoy talking to parents. I like meeting them and touching base at the beginning of the school year, but I really wish our conferences were a little later in the Fall.  I am still working on solidifying my procedures and don’t have as much to say about academics as I could later in the Fall. Many parents absolutely love ClassDojo and I was glad to hear that.

This time of the school year also means visits from former students. I loved hearing about freshman year from a few of last year’s 8th graders. One girl is going to the high school of the arts and majoring in creative writing. She credits her writing passion to me and my ELA class. I was flattered to hear that and so happy that I could inspire her to be creative. I also love it that many of my former students went to see The Maze Runner. I read it aloud to them last spring and they were eager to share their thoughts about the actors, “Thomas is HOT” and the way the characters were portrayed.  

The day off on Friday almost made it worth being at school until 8:15pm both Wednesday and Thursday. I sat and mindlessly binged on TV watching all afternoon after helping a colleague figure out her Educator Effectiveness plan in the morning. 
I love the Fall and pumpkin everything. I tried another great pumpkin beer last night. I think I will look up a recipe and make pumpkin bars today. At this time of year, I am glad to live in Wisconsin and get all the seasons in all their glory. 
We got to see the lunar eclipse on our way to work Wednesday. I thought it would not still be visible, but it was.  So COOL!
What do you have to celebrate this week? I would love to hear from you in the comments!