Teachers Write Goals

This will be the third summer that I am participating in Teachers Write.  I am so excited to participate! I thought it would be good for me to reflect on my past participation and to make goals for this summer so that I can get the most out of my experience.

Before the first summer of Teachers Write, I really didn’t write that much.  I had the ideas tumbling around my head and definitely wrote during mini-lessons, but I didn’t really write.  I made some goals for myself and worked to start daily writing times.  I did not succeed in making the time for writing and I did not do much fiction writing, which I had hoped to do.  However, the best thing that came out of that summer for me was a blog.  I definitely became a more regular blogger and it had a lot to do with my participation that summer with Teachers Write.

Last summer, I had grand plans for what I would do.  I was planning to have some extra time to myself because I was out in California with my sister and was planning to be the babysitter when she went back to work.  I did not end up having that time because my sister changed her mind and didn’t go back to work.  I did not end up being more visible with my participation as I had hoped. I did manage to post on one Feedback Friday post and to post more often to my blog over the summer.  I also read some great books about writing and gained information from them.

This summer, I am planning to be a more active participant. In order to do so, I have the following goals for the summer:

1. I will spend less time reading and more time writing.  I did not give myself the bookaday challenge this summer because I wanted to make more time for writing.

2. I will make the time EVERY DAY to write.  I am going to start with making sure I set aside at least 10 minutes a day.

3. I will continue to research for my novel idea.  I have a list of action steps to follow for this research.

4. I will work on writing a series of personal narratives this summer and short stories for the exercises of Teachers Write.  This will make it easier for me to participate, because in the past I have tried to get my ideas flowing for a novel, but I am not ready to do that.  I need more time to research and plan.

5. I will make sure that I regularly post a Slice of Life on Tuesdays in addition to the It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and Celebrate posts that I usually post.

I hope to have a much more active participation during this third summer of Teachers Write.  See you at camp!

Celebrate July 5th

Join this fabulous group of bloggers as we celebrate our weeks. You can link up on Ruth Ayres blog at www.ruthayreswrites.com

This week I have to dig deep to find celebrations.  I spent the week in bed and am still recovering from Diverticulitis (an infection in my colon).  
I am celebrating modern medicine and the CT scan that quickly let the ER doctor know what was wrong. 
I am celebrating pain killers and nausea medicine. 
I am celebrating the antibiotics that I hope will kick the infection to the curb. 
I am celebrating my husband who has had to be a nurse and has gone to the store multiple times looking for soups and popsicles that I wanted.  
I am celebrating the fact that ABC is showing the World Cup game this morning so I can see it from home.  
Last but not least, I am celebrating the e-mail received from a student this week wishing me a happy 4th of July.  So nice to know that she is thinking of me during the summer.  
What are you celebrating this week?  I would love to hear from you in the comments!